2006 Punjabi Boy Names Starting With S
Page 1 of 21 | Total Records: 2006
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Saacha | Truthful | 6 |
Saahibjeet | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 8 |
Saahil | Sea Shore, Beach, River Bank | 5 |
Saajan | Friend; Beloved | 1 |
Saajana | Loved One, Beloved | 2 |
Saanjh | Evening | 8 |
Saaras | Swan | 5 |
Sabar | Nectar; Distinguished | 5 |
Sabar | Nectar | 5 |
Sabba | Born During the Morning Hours | 7 |
Sabhajit | Honoured Praised Celebrated | 7 |
Sabhajit | The essence of Love; Favour; Fortune of Love of God | 7 |
Sabhya | Refined | 2 |
Sabir | Smart; Kind; Patient | 4 |
Sabira | Of Great Patience; God Gift | 5 |
Sabjeet | Winner of Every Thing | 8 |
Sabjeet | The essence of Love; Favor; Fortune of Love of God | 8 |
Sabnidhaan | One Having All Treasure; Contented | 1 |
Sabnidhaan | Patience | 1 |
Sabooree | Winner of every thing | 8 |
Sabrinapreet | Love for Patience | 2 |
Sabrr | Patience | 4 |
Sacha | Protector of Man; Man's Defender; .... | 5 |
Sachamrit | True Elixir of Naam | 2 |
Sachamrit | Contentment | 2 |
Sachbhagat | True Devotee of God | 7 |
Sachbhagat | Love for patience | 7 |
Sachdeep | Light of Truth | 7 |
Sachdeep | Light of truth | 7 |
Sachdev | Truth of God | 8 |
Sachdev | A true devotee of God; Light of truth | 8 |
Sachdhian | Rainbow; Absorbed in the Truth | 4 |
Sachdhian | Light of truth | 4 |
Sachgian | True Knowledge, Lord Brahma | 8 |
Sachgian | A truly godly person; Rainbow; Absorbed in the true one | 8 |
Sachi | Honest; Truth; Child of Bliss | 4 |
Sachin | True, Pure, Existence, Lord Indra | 9 |
Sachindar | Kind Soul; Truthful | 5 |
Sachinder | Truthful; Kind Soul | 9 |
Sachjog | Union with the True One | 9 |
Sachjog | Absorbed in the true one | 9 |
Sachkeerat | Singing the Praises of God | 1 |
Sachkeerat | One with the knowledge of the truth; Lord Brahma | 1 |
Sachkirat | Light of Truth | 9 |
Sachleen | One Absorbed in Truth | 4 |
Sachman | True at Heart | 5 |
Sachman | Singing the praises of God; Union with the true one | 5 |
Sachnoor | True Light; Light of Truth | 3 |
Sachpal | Protector of Truth | 6 |
Sachpal | One absorbed in truth | 6 |
Sachpradhan | One in whom Truth is Predominant | 3 |
Sachpradhan | The one absorbed in truth, In God | 3 |
Sachpreet | Lord Indra; Love for the Truth | 5 |
Sachpreet | Protector of truth; True at heart | 5 |
Sachprem | Love for the Truth | 2 |
Sachprem | One in whom truth is predominant | 2 |
Sachras | Elixir of the Truth | 6 |
Sachreet | True Traditions; Happiness | 7 |
Sachroop | Lord Indra; Love for the truth | 5 |
Sachsev | True Servant | 5 |
Sachsev | The real Love; The Love of God | 5 |
Sachsevak | Servant of Truth | 8 |
Sachsevak | Love for the truth | 8 |
Sachsukh | One who Attains True Peace | 9 |
Sachteerath | Form whom Truth is the Holy Place | 9 |
Sachtek | Taking the Support of Truth | 4 |
Sachtek | Servant of truth | 4 |
Sachu | The Truth | 7 |
Sachuttam | True and the Best One | 7 |
Sachuttam | One who attains true peace | 7 |
Sachveer | Friend | 9 |
Sachveer | One who attains true peace; Taking the support of the truth | 9 |
Sachvinder | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 4 |
Sadakant | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 8 |
Sadanaam | Friend; Bravely upholding the truth; True and the best one | 9 |
Sadar | Respectful | 7 |
Sadaraam | Eternal Lord | 4 |
Sadeev | Always; Permanent | 2 |
Sadha | Eternal | 6 |
Sadhnah | Eternal Lord | 1 |
Sadhpreet | Loving Devotion | 6 |
Sadhpreet | Everlasting true name | 6 |
Sadhu | Eternal lamp; Flame | 8 |
Sadhu | Saint, Sage, Holy, Saintly Person | 8 |
Sadipak | Bravely upholding the truth; Achiever | 7 |
Sadjeevan | Immortal Life | 9 |
Sadjeevan | Tolerance | 9 |
Sadka | Practice | 9 |
Sadsukh | Always in Bliss | 2 |
Sadsukh | Loving devotion | 2 |
Safal | Succeed; Fruitful | 3 |
Sagaj | Natural | 2 |
Sagal | All; Inclusive | 4 |
Sagaljeet | Victory for All | 8 |
Sagaljeet | Saintly person | 8 |
Sagaljot | Light for All | 4 |
Page 1 of 21 | Total Records: 2006
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2006 Unique and Beautiful Punjabi Boy Names With Meaning Starting With S. Select a Name For Your New Born Punjabi Boy That Starts From S
2006 Unique and Beautiful Punjabi Boy Names With Meaning Starting With S. Select a Name For Your New Born Punjabi Boy That Starts From S
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