26370 Muslim Girl Names With Meaning
Page 2 of 264 | Total Records: 26370
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Aaiat | Verses; Clue; Signs | 5 |
Aaida | Visiting, Returning | 7 |
Aaida | Visiting, returning. | 7 |
Aaidah | Narrator of Hadith | 6 |
Aaidah | Name of a narrator of hadith | 6 |
Aaidha | A Flame; Splendour | 6 |
Aaiefa | Beautiful; Forgiver | 5 |
Aaiela | Beautiful; Moonlight | 2 |
Aaiema | Leader | 3 |
Aaiera | Honourable; Noble; Respectful | 8 |
Aaifa | Forgiver; Fearless | 9 |
Aaifah | Forgiver | 8 |
Aaila | Beautiful, Like Moon, Leader | 6 |
Aaila | Beautiful, like moon. | 6 |
Aailayah | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 4 |
Aaima | Leader; Ruler | 7 |
Aaima | Leader, ruler. | 7 |
Aaima | Leader | 7 |
Aaiman | Righteous; Door of the Paradise | 3 |
Aaina | Mirror; Reflection | 8 |
Aainaa | Pure; Mirror; The Only One | 9 |
Aainah | Reflection; Mirror | 7 |
Aaini | Flower; Spring; The Eye | 7 |
Aaira | Noble; Respectful; Honourable | 3 |
Aaira | Noble, respectful, respected, honourable. | 3 |
Aairaa | Honourable; Respectful | 4 |
Aairah | Noble, respectful | 2 |
Aairah | Noble; Respectful | 2 |
Aairah | Noble; Respectful | 2 |
Aairha | Respectable | 2 |
Aairin | Unique | 7 |
Aaisa | Obedient; Lively Person | 4 |
Aaisah | Woman; Life; Also Spelt as Aisha | 3 |
Aaisha | Beautiful; Obedient | 3 |
Aaisha | Life; Vivaciousness; Living prosperous; Women life | 3 |
Aaishu | Obedient, God Blessings | 5 |
Aaisya | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 2 |
Aaiza | Pretty; Wonderful; God's Gift | 2 |
Aaizaa | Respected | 3 |
Aajira | A Winner | 4 |
Aajisa | Strong - Proud | 5 |
Aajmee | Moon | 8 |
Aakeerah | Graceful Strength | 5 |
Aakiba | Cute | 7 |
Aakifa | Worship Allah in Solitude | 2 |
Aakifah | Devoted, Dedicated. | 1 |
Aakifah | Devoted, Dedicated | 1 |
Aakifah | The intent; Busy; Devoted; Dedicated | 1 |
Aakila | Intelligent | 8 |
Aala | Bounties | 6 |
Aala | Bounties, She who Hunts and Heals | 6 |
Aala | Bounties | 6 |
Aala | Benefit, favour, blessing. | 6 |
Aala | Bounties | 6 |
Aalaa | Highest | 7 |
Aalam | World | 1 |
Aalan | Normal | 2 |
Aalasa | Protected by God; Nobility | 8 |
Aaleah | Ornament, Noble, Ascent | 1 |
Aaleen | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 2 |
Aalema | Loveable | 6 |
Aaleya | Superior; High Born | 9 |
Aaleyah | Exalted, Highest social standing | 8 |
Aaleyah | Exalted, Highest social standing | 8 |
Aaleyah | Exalted; Highest social standing | 8 |
Aali | Beautiful | 5 |
Aalia | Exhalted, Noble. | 6 |
Aalia | Exalted; Highest Social Standing | 6 |
Aalia | Exhalted, Noble | 6 |
Aalia | Excellent; Highest social standing; Tall; Towering (Celebrity Name: Pooja Bedi) | 6 |
Aaliah | High; To Ascend; Exalted One | 5 |
Aalifa | Compassionate; Friendly | 3 |
Aalifsha | One in Thousand | 3 |
Aaliha | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 5 |
Aalima | Authority; Woman Scholar | 1 |
Aalimah | Scholar, Authority. | 9 |
Aalimah | Scholar, Authority | 9 |
Aalina | Beautiful; Nice | 2 |
Aaline | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 6 |
Aalisa | Great Happiness; God is Salvation | 7 |
Aalisha | Protected by God; Silk of heaven | 6 |
Aaliya | Beauty, High, Tall, Towering | 4 |
Aaliya | Excellent; Highest social standing; Tall; Towering | 4 |
Aaliyah | Tall, Towering | 3 |
Aaliyah | Exalted; Noble; Tall; Towering | 3 |
Aaliyah | Tall, Towering | 3 |
Aaliyah | Highest social standing, exalted. | 3 |
Aaliyana | Beautiful; Beauty | 1 |
Aaliza | Joyous; Happiness; Pious | 5 |
Aalma | Caring, Nourishing Soul | 1 |
Aalmin | Knowledgeable One | 5 |
Aalya | Smooth; Soft; Sublime | 4 |
Aalyah | Honourable, Ascent, Noble | 3 |
Aamaal | Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes. | 2 |
Aamaal | Hopes; Aspirations; Wishes | 2 |
Aamaal | Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes | 2 |
Page 2 of 264 | Total Records: 26370
Browse Unique and Beautiful 26370 Muslim Girl Names with Meaning .Select a Name For Your New Born Muslim Girl . Huge Muslim Girl Names Collection.
Browse Unique and Beautiful 26370 Muslim Girl Names with Meaning .Select a Name For Your New Born Muslim Girl . Huge Muslim Girl Names Collection. Looking for the new born Muslim girl names? your search ends here. Explore the huge Muslim girl names collections with meaning from the baby name expert team.we have Muslim girl names alphabetically.you have option to add the multiple names in cart and choose one of the best from that for your new born girl.
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