378 Hindi Girl Names Starting With H
Page 1 of 4 | Total Records: 378
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
H itaishi | Well Wisher | 2 |
Haadvika | 3 | |
Haahini | 5 | |
Haanvika | Lopper; Honey | 4 |
Haarika | Is associated with Lord Venkateswara; Goddess Parvati | 4 |
Haarshini | Cheerful; Happy | 6 |
Haasini | Pleasant; Wonderful; Happy or full of laughter; An Apsara or celestial nymph | 7 |
Haasita | Happy or full of laughter; Always smiling; Delightful | 5 |
Haasitha | 4 | |
Habita | 5 | |
Habsana | Superb | 1 |
Hadvitha | Limitless; God Gift | 1 |
Haeshika | 8 | |
Haima | Goddess Parvati; Snow; Made of gold; Another name for the river Ganges; An Apsara or celestial nymph | 5 |
Haimavathi | Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva | 2 |
Haimavathy | Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva | 9 |
Haimavati | Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva | 3 |
Haimi | Golden | 4 |
Haimi | Golden | 4 |
Haith | Who wants good for every one; Lovable | 1 |
Halesya | 8 | |
Halisa | 5 | |
Haminagni | 4 | |
Hamrutha | 9 | |
Hamsa | Swan | 6 |
Hamsa | Swan | 6 |
Hamsadeepika | Name of a Raga | 3 |
Hamsadhvani | Name of a Raga | 1 |
Hamsalekha | Smart | 7 |
Hamsanandi | Supreme happiness | 3 |
Hamsanandini | Name of a Raga | 8 |
Hamsi | The Goddess who is in the form of a swan | 5 |
Hamsika | Goddess Saraswati; The one who has a swan as her vehicle | 8 |
Hamsikha | Saraswathi | 7 |
Hamsini | One Who Rides A Swan, Saraswathi | 1 |
Hamsini | One who rides a swan; Goddess Saraswati | 1 |
Hamsini | Who rides a Swan; Goddess Saraswati | 1 |
Hanarvin | 6 | |
Haneesha | Beautiful night | 7 |
Hanika | Swan | 8 |
Hanima | A wave | 1 |
Hanisa | Beautiful night | 7 |
Hanisha | Beautiful night | 6 |
Hanishi | Swan | 5 |
Hanishka | Sweetness | 8 |
Hanita | Grace | 8 |
Hanithra | It means a beautiful night | 7 |
Hansa | Swan | 7 |
Hansa | Swan | 7 |
Hansamala | A line; Row of Swans | 7 |
Hansanandini | Daughter of a swan | 9 |
Hansavathy | Goddess Durga, She who is surrounded by shakthis called hamsavathi | 2 |
Hansaveni | Another name of Goddess Saraswati | 3 |
Hansdhwani | The vocal sound of a swan | 2 |
Hanshika | Swan; Beautiful lady | 8 |
Hanshita | Swan | 8 |
Hanshu | Happiness | 8 |
Hansi | Innocent; Swan; Soul; Pure | 6 |
Hansini | Swan | 2 |
Hansuja | Goddess Lakshmi; Swan | 2 |
Hansvi | Swan | 1 |
Hanusheela | 4 | |
Hanvika | Goddess Lakshmi / Sarasvati; Gold; A Peacock; Light | 3 |
Hanvitha | Happy | 2 |
Hardini | Near of heart | 9 |
Harhsa | Joy | 1 |
Hari priya | Goddess Lakshmi; Beloved of Hari | 6 |
Hari shri | Inspiration | 9 |
Haribala | Daughter of Lord (Daughter of Lord Vishnu) | 7 |
Harichandana | Lord Vishnu; A sort of yellow sandalwood; One of the five trees of paradise the other four being called Parijat, Mandar, Santan, and Kalp; Saffron; Moonlight; The filament of a Lotus | 1 |
Haridarpa | Name of a Raga | 4 |
Hariganga | Ganga of Lord Vishnu | 3 |
Harija | Fair haired; Blonde | 2 |
Harijatha | Fair-haired | 4 |
Harika | Is associated with Lord Venkateswara; Goddess Parvati | 3 |
Harimanti | Born in the season of hemanta | 3 |
Harinakshi | Doe-eyed | 8 |
Harinee | Deer; Goddess Lakshmi | 6 |
Harini | A Deer | 5 |
Harini | Deer; Goddess Lakshmi | 5 |
Harinika | Goddess of Vasu | 8 |
Harinya | Lakshmi | 4 |
Haripriya | Goddess Lakshmi; Beloved of Hari | 6 |
Harisha | Cultivator; Lioness; Happiness | 1 |
Harishri | God | 9 |
Harita | Green | 3 |
Harita | Green; Gold | 3 |
Hariteeh | 2 | |
Haritha | Green; Gold | 2 |
Harithi | Green; Name of a Goddess | 1 |
Harithra | History | 2 |
Hariti | Green; Name of a Goddess | 2 |
Harivallabhi | Consort of Lord Hari, Goddess Lakshmi | 4 |
Harleen | Absorbed in God | 9 |
Harleena | Thinking of God at all times | 1 |
Harley | Hare meadow | 6 |
Page 1 of 4 | Total Records: 378
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378 Unique and Beautiful Hindi Girl Names With Meaning Starting With H. Select a Name For Your New Born Hindi Girl That Starts From H
378 Unique and Beautiful Hindi Girl Names With Meaning Starting With H. Select a Name For Your New Born Hindi Girl That Starts From H
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