11858 Greek Baby Names With Meaning
Blue links represent boy names, and
pink links represent girl names.
Page 119 of 119 | Total Records: 11858
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Zoee | Life | 6 |
Zoel | Alive | 4 |
Zoelane | Life and Narrow Road | 6 |
Zoelie | Alive, Life | 9 |
Zoelie | Life | 9 |
Zoeline | Life | 5 |
Zoeline | Life | 5 |
Zoelle | Alive | 3 |
Zoelle | Life | 3 |
Zoello | Son of Zoe | 4 |
Zoey | Life; Responsible; Honest; Happy | 8 |
Zoey | Life | 8 |
Zofi | Wisdom | 2 |
Zofia | Wisdom; Wise | 3 |
Zofie | Wisdom | 7 |
Zohara | Beautiful, Venus, Blooming | 6 |
Zohndra | Defender of Mankind | 5 |
Zohndra | Defender of Mankind | 5 |
Zohra | Venus; Love; Beautiful; Princess | 5 |
Zoi | Life; Alternate Spelling of Zoe | 5 |
Zoie | Life | 1 |
Zoie | Life | 1 |
Zoilo | Lively | 5 |
Zois | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 6 |
Zoltan | Sultan; Ruler; Life; King | 7 |
Zoltar | Life | 2 |
Zona | Girdle; Belt; A Girth; From a Zone | 2 |
Zondra | Defender of Mankind | 6 |
Zondra | Defender of Mankind | 6 |
Zonia | Belt; A Dragon; Gridle | 2 |
Zora | Daybreak, Sunrise, Dawn | 6 |
Zorah | Dawn; Dawn's Light | 5 |
Zorba | Live Each Day | 8 |
Zori | Golden Dawn | 5 |
Zorina | Dawn's Light | 2 |
Zorion | Happy | 7 |
Zosia | Woman of Wisdom; Wisdom | 7 |
Zosima | Vital; Vigorous | 2 |
Zosimo | One who Fights | 7 |
Zosimus | Able to Survive; Full of Life | 5 |
Zotico | Of a Long Life | 7 |
Zotikos | Full of Life | 7 |
Zowie | Life | 6 |
Zoy | Life | 3 |
Zoya | Fragrance of Heaven, Shining | 4 |
Zsofia | Woman of Wisdom; Wisdom | 4 |
Zsofie | Wisdom | 8 |
Zsofika | Woman of Wisdom | 6 |
Zylina | Forest Dweller | 6 |
Zylyn | Forest Dweller | 3 |
Zyna | Welcoming | 3 |
Zyna | Welcoming | 3 |
Zyon | Mountain in Israel; High Place | 8 |
Zyphire | Of the West Wind | 8 |
Zyta | Reaper, Seeker, Hunter, Harvest | 9 |
Zyta | Seeker | 9 |
Page 119 of 119 | Total Records: 11858
Unique and Beautiful 11858 Greek Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning
Browse Unique and Beautiful 11858 Greek Baby Boy and Girl Names with Meaning .Select a Name For Your New Born Greek Baby . Huge Greek Names Collection. Looking for the new born Greek baby names? your search ends here. Explore the huge Greek baby names collections with meaning from the baby name expert team.we have Greek baby names alphabetically and gender wise.you have option to add the multiple names in cart and choose one of the best from that for your new born baby.
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