5439 Christian Baby Names With Meaning
Blue links represent boy names, and
pink links represent girl names.
Page 2 of 55 | Total Records: 5439
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Ahaan | Dawn, Auspicious Dawn | 7 |
Aida | Visiting, Noble, Nobility, Reward | 6 |
Aidan | Superior, Mystery, Intelligent | 2 |
Aideen | Little Fire; Flame; Face | 2 |
Aiden | Born of Fire | 6 |
Aiken | Made of Oak; The Oaken | 4 |
Aila | Name of a River, Earthly, Noble | 5 |
Ailbert | High-born, Brilliant, Noble | 4 |
Aileen | Light from Sun, Torch of Light | 1 |
Ailith | Seasoned Warrior, Noble War | 5 |
Ailsie | Devoted to God, Island Dweller | 1 |
Ailward | Noble Guard | 5 |
Aimee | Dearly Loved, Beloved, Amazing | 6 |
Aimery | Hard Working Ruler | 8 |
Aimy | Beloved; Variant of Amy | 3 |
Aindrila | Female Star | 5 |
Airlia | Ethereal | 5 |
Aislin | Vision; Dream | 1 |
Aiva | Variant of the Feminine Name Ava | 6 |
Aiven | Little Archer | 6 |
Aizlyn | Vision; Dream | 6 |
Aji | Tell; Taste | 2 |
Ajin | Unique; Merciful | 7 |
Ajoy | Joyful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable | 6 |
Akemi | Bright - Beautiful; Beauty of Dawn | 3 |
Akilan | Intelligent; Ruler of the World | 3 |
Akira | Gentle Flower, A Natural | 4 |
Aksa | Soul, Eye, Indestructible | 5 |
Aladdin | Peak / Height of Faith | 9 |
Alambha | A Wise Man; Judicious Person | 2 |
Alan | God of Shine, Handsome, Cheerful | 1 |
Alana | Valuable, Precious | 2 |
Alanis | Valuable, Precious, Little Rock | 2 |
Alann | Rock, Comely, Little Rock | 6 |
Alanna | Fair, Beautiful, Dear Child | 7 |
Alarice | Ruler of All; Rules All | 4 |
Alastair | Defender of Mankind | 9 |
Alban | From Alba, A City on a White Hill | 3 |
Albern | Noble Courage; Of Noble Valour | 7 |
Alberta | Wise, Graceful, Noble, Bright | 5 |
Albertine | Noble | 5 |
Albin | White, Old English for Brilliant | 2 |
Albion | Britain, White Cliffs | 8 |
Alby | A City on a White Hill, White | 4 |
Alda | Old but Graceful, Rich, Old, Wise | 9 |
Alden | Old and Wise Protector, Defender | 9 |
Alderidge | Alder Ridge | 2 |
Aldford | Place Name; The Old River-ford | 6 |
Aldin | Defender; Old Friend | 4 |
Aldis | From the Old House, Old, Tired | 9 |
Aldon | Old; Wise Protector; Old Friend | 1 |
Aldous | Old, Wise | 9 |
Aldred | Wise Counsellor, Old Adviser | 8 |
Aldrich | Old, Aged and Wise Ruler | 1 |
Aldridge | Old Leader; Sage; Noble Ruler | 6 |
Aldrin | Old and Wise Ruler | 4 |
Aldus | From the Old House; Old; Wise | 3 |
Aldwin | From the Old English Ealdwine | 9 |
Alec | Gorgeousness, Beauty | 3 |
Aleck | Defender of Mankind | 5 |
Aleena | Soft, Silk of Heaven, Beautiful | 2 |
Aleesha | Noble, Nobility, Noble Sort | 6 |
Aleina | Light; Powerful | 6 |
Alen | Fair, Handsome | 5 |
Alena | Torch of Light, Dear Child, Torch | 6 |
Aleric | High Born Ruler, Ruler of All | 3 |
Alerick | High Born Ruler, Ruler of All | 5 |
Alesha | Of a Noble Kind; Of the Noble Sort | 1 |
Aleta | Truthful One, Caring, Winged | 3 |
Aletea | The Truth; Honest | 8 |
Alethea | Truthful; Truth | 7 |
Aletta | Wingled, Truth, Small Winged One | 5 |
Alex | Form of Alexander | 6 |
Alexa | Helper / Defender of Mankind | 7 |
Alexander | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 3 |
Alexandra | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 8 |
Alexandrea | Defender of Mankind | 4 |
Alexandrina | Form of Alexander | 4 |
Alexender | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 7 |
Alexia | Helper; Man's Defender; Helper of .... | 7 |
Alexina | Defender of Mankind, Helper | 3 |
Alexsandra | Protector / Defender of Mankind | 9 |
Alexzandra | Protector of Mankind | 7 |
Alf | Counsel from the Elves, Elf | 1 |
Alfie | Counsel from the Elves | 6 |
Alfonzo | Ready for a Fight; Noble and Ready | 8 |
Alford | From the Old Ford, Place Name | 2 |
Alfred | Wise Counsellor, Name of a King | 1 |
Alfreda | Counsel of Elves / Elf | 2 |
Alfrid | Wise Counsellor; Sage; Elf Counsel | 5 |
Alfy | Counsel from the Elves | 8 |
Algar | Noble Spearman | 3 |
Alger | Wearing a Moustache | 7 |
Algernon | Bearded; Wearing a Moustache | 5 |
Alia | Exalted, Highest Social Standing | 5 |
Aliah | Noble, Highest Social Standing | 4 |
Page 2 of 55 | Total Records: 5439
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