641 Australian Boy Names Starting With A
Page 1 of 7 | Total Records: 641
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Aace | Used as an Abbreviation | 1 |
Aadam | The First Prophet of Allah | 2 |
Aaden | Warmth of the Home; Fire; Flame | 7 |
Aali | Name of Allah, Sublime, The High | 5 |
Aamer | Ordering Person; Leader | 2 |
Aaran | Exalted; On High; Light Bringer | 8 |
Aaren | Lofty, Inspiration, Inspired | 3 |
Aari | Mountain | 2 |
Aaries | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 8 |
Aarin | Mountain of Strength | 7 |
Aarish | First Ray of Sun; Smart | 2 |
Aaron | Mountain of Strength, Exalted One | 4 |
Aarron | Exalted, Light Bringer | 4 |
Aart | Like an Eagle | 4 |
Aash | Hope; Expectation | 2 |
Aashray | Shelter; Dependable | 1 |
Aat | Brave, Heroic | 4 |
Aavan | Water; Earth Owner | 3 |
Abasin | The Indus River | 1 |
Abbott | The Father of the Abbey | 6 |
AbdalHadi | Servant of the Leader | 6 |
Abdalla | Servant of God | 6 |
Abdel | Servant of God | 6 |
AbdelHakim | Servant of the Wise One | 3 |
AbdelKarim | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 4 |
Abdi | Abbreviated Form of Abdul | 7 |
Abdo | Very Sensitive and Kind | 4 |
Abdou | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 7 |
Abdu | Worshipper of God | 1 |
AbdulAziz | Servant of the Beloved One | 3 |
AbdulFatah | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 4 |
AbdulKadir | One who Serves a Capable Man | 2 |
AbdulMunim | Servant of the Benefactor | 2 |
AbdulNasir | Servant of the Helper; Protector | 2 |
AbdulNasser | Servant of the Victorious One | 8 |
AbdulRahim | Servant of the Merciful | 8 |
Abdur | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 1 |
AbdurRahim | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 5 |
AbdusSalam | Servant of Peace | 3 |
Abel | Breathing, Breath | 2 |
Abelino | Bird | 4 |
Abell | Exhalation of Breath, Vanity | 5 |
Abhi | Fearless, Better than Best, Brave | 2 |
Abhil | Meadow | 5 |
Abid | Worshipper of Allah | 7 |
Abie | Father of Many | 8 |
Abilio | Expert; Able; Skillful | 3 |
Abimbola | Rich Child; Born Wealthy | 1 |
Abiola | Born in Honour | 4 |
Abisai | Gift of God, Biblical | 5 |
Abishua | Father of Salvation | 7 |
Abo | Father | 9 |
Aboud | Cloudy | 7 |
Abraam | Father of a Multitude | 9 |
Abram | Exalted Father | 8 |
Abramo | Father of a Multitude | 5 |
Abrham | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 7 |
Abtin | A Character in Shahnameh | 1 |
AbulKhair | Father of Good Work; Virtuous | 2 |
Aby | Mazhar; Father | 1 |
Ace | Unity; First-rate; Number One | 9 |
Acelin | Little Noble One | 8 |
Acer | Unity; Number One | 9 |
Achar | Immovable; Steady | 4 |
Achille | Place Name; Pain; Lipless | 5 |
Achillea | Place Name | 6 |
Achilleus | Pain | 9 |
Achim | Constructed by God | 7 |
Achmad | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 3 |
Achraf | Most Honourable One | 1 |
Achuthan | Never Die | 4 |
Aco | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 1 |
Acton | From an Oak Tree Town, Place Name | 8 |
Ad | Son of the Red Earth; Son of Adam | 5 |
Adal | Precious; Nobel | 9 |
Adalbert | Intelligent, Noble, Highborn | 9 |
Adam | Red Earth, First Human Being | 1 |
Adamo | Son of the Red Earth; Mankind | 7 |
Adamson | Son of Adam | 4 |
Adao | Son of the Red Earth; Earth; Man | 3 |
Adb | Father of the Land | 7 |
Addam | Son of the Red Earth, Man, Earth | 5 |
Adde | Noble Kind | 5 |
Addi | First | 9 |
Addis | Son of Adam, Son of the Red Earth | 1 |
Addisen | Child of Adam | 2 |
Addison | Son of the Red Earth | 3 |
Adeel | Judge; Honest; The Best; Justice | 9 |
Adelbert | High-born, Brilliant, Intelligent | 4 |
Adelmo | Strong, Persistent | 5 |
Aden | Attractive, Handsome | 6 |
Adeniyi | Crown is Precious | 4 |
Adetokunbo | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 9 |
Adin | Pleasure Given, Delicate | 1 |
Adiran | Place Name, From Adria | 2 |
Adison | Son of Adam | 8 |
Page 1 of 7 | Total Records: 641
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641 Unique and Beautiful Australian Boy Names With Meaning Starting With A. Select a Name For Your New Born Australian Boy That Starts From A
641 Unique and Beautiful Australian Boy Names With Meaning Starting With A. Select a Name For Your New Born Australian Boy That Starts From A
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