305 American Girl Names Starting With F
Page 1 of 4 | Total Records: 305
Name | Meaning | Numerology |
Fabby | Fabulous | 9 |
Fabiola | Bean Grower, Bean | 1 |
Fae | Trust, Belief, Fairy, Confidence | 3 |
Fae | Trust or belief | 3 |
Faidra | Bright One | 3 |
Fair | Equal, Morning | 7 |
Faire | Light-haired | 3 |
Fairy | Spirit | 5 |
Faith | Trust or belief | 8 |
Faith | Trusting, Believing, Trust | 8 |
Faithe | Trust or belief | 4 |
Faithe | Trust, Belief, Faithful, Faith | 4 |
Fala | A Crow | 2 |
Falasha | Desire, Landless Ones, Jews | 3 |
Faleen | Descendant | 7 |
Faleena | Descendant | 8 |
Falene | Cat-like | 7 |
Falesyia | An Exotic Woman | 6 |
Falicia | Happiness | 5 |
Falin | Cat-like | 6 |
Falk | A Respected Woman | 3 |
Falke | A Respected Woman | 8 |
Fall | Born During the Autumn Season | 4 |
Falla | Resembling a Crow | 5 |
Fallah | Resembling a Crow | 4 |
Falle | Born During the Autumn Season | 9 |
Fallen | Descendant | 5 |
Fallon | Leader, Superiority | 6 |
Falon | In Charge | 3 |
Falset | A Fanciful Woman | 9 |
Falseta | A Fanciful Woman | 1 |
Falsete | A Fanciful Woman | 5 |
Falsett | A Fanciful Woman | 2 |
Falsetta | A Fanciful Woman | 3 |
Falsette | A Fanciful Woman | 7 |
Falynn | Descendant of Fallamhan | 9 |
Famke | Protection, Peace, Safety | 9 |
Fanceen | Free | 3 |
Fanceen | Free, Variant of Frances | 3 |
Fanfara | One who is Excited | 2 |
Fanfarah | One who is Excited | 1 |
Fanfarra | One who is Excited | 2 |
Fanfarrah | One who is Excited | 1 |
Fanni | Liberated, Pet Name | 8 |
Fanni | Free | 8 |
Fannia | Free, Variant of Frances | 9 |
Fannia | Free | 9 |
Fannie | Free, Liberated, Frenchwoman | 4 |
Fannie | Free | 4 |
Fanny | Free, Frenchwoman | 6 |
Fanny | Free | 6 |
Fantasy | To Be Defined. if you know the meaning , please let us know | 5 |
Fantine | Free | 6 |
Fantine | Free, Liberated, Frenchwoman | 6 |
Fany | Free, From France | 1 |
Fany | from France | 1 |
Fara | Level Measure, Beautiful, Lovely | 8 |
Fara | Beautiful | 8 |
Farah | Beautiful | 7 |
Fareeha | Happiness, Happy, Joyful | 8 |
Farel | One who Inspires Others | 6 |
Farelle | One who Inspires Others | 5 |
Faren | Adventurous, Wanderer, Ox-herd | 8 |
Faren | Adventurous | 8 |
Faril | One who Inspires Others | 1 |
Farille | One who Inspires Others | 9 |
Farin | Adventurous, Wise, Wanderer | 3 |
Farin | Adventurous | 3 |
Faris | A Forgiving Woman | 8 |
Fariss | A Forgiving Woman | 9 |
Farisse | A Forgiving Woman | 5 |
Faro | A Narrow-minded Woman | 4 |
Farow | A Narrow-minded Woman | 9 |
Farrah | Beautiful, Joyful, Lovely | 7 |
Farrah | Beautiful | 7 |
Farren | Wanderer, Adventurous | 8 |
Farren | Wanderer | 8 |
Farrin | Wanderer | 3 |
Farris | A Forgiving Woman | 8 |
Farro | A Narrow-minded Woman | 4 |
Farron | Wanderer, Adventurous | 9 |
Farron | Wanderer | 9 |
Farrow | A Narrow-minded Woman | 9 |
Farryn | Wanderer, Adventurous | 1 |
Farryn | Wanderer | 1 |
Farrys | A Forgiving Woman | 6 |
Fary | Light-haired | 5 |
Faryl | One who Inspires Others | 8 |
Farylle | One who Inspires Others | 7 |
Faryn | Wanderer, Adventurous | 1 |
Faryn | Wanderer | 1 |
Farys | A Forgiving Woman | 6 |
Faryss | A Forgiving Woman | 7 |
Farysse | A Forgiving Woman | 3 |
Fashea | A Stylish Woman | 4 |
Fasheah | A Stylish Woman | 3 |
Page 1 of 4 | Total Records: 305
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305 Unique and Beautiful American Girl Names With Meaning Starting With F. Select a Name For Your New Born American Girl That Starts From F
305 Unique and Beautiful American Girl Names With Meaning Starting With F. Select a Name For Your New Born American Girl That Starts From F
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